Wondering why you often have dreams about being chased?
If you see yourself being chased or running away without doing anything to protest, this means there are some problems in life that you are trying to avoid.
Dreams are a normal occurrence during your sleep. However, have you ever thought that what you see in your dreams can predict your future? According to dream interpreters, a dream contains lots of hidden messages helping you understand your subconscious better.
Why do you dream of being chased while sleeping? Is it a good a bad sign?
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Table of Contents
Dreams of Being Chased That are a Bad Sign

1. Running away from a dangerous animal
This dream reminds you that your opponents or partners are getting more powerful and successful, which means they can threaten or disrupt your future plans. They have gathered everything they need about you and are just waiting for the opportunity.
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2. Running away from someone or something
Dream analysts claim that you’re having some secrets that you want to hide and keep for yourself only. With this dream, you are running away from some difficult situations in life. You just don’t want to deal with those things yet; perhaps right now you don’t feel capable or ready for the confrontation.
3. Seeing someone being chased
If you have a dream about someone running away from something in a dream, this is a sign that you’re feeling insecure and in need of the protection from people around, such as family and friends.
4. Seeing the one chasing you
This dream reveals that there are some problems making you repressed and struggled inside, like heartbreaks and painful memories in the past. These things may sound nothing but can affect you quite a lot.
5. Running away from dangers lurking around
This dream is a warning sign about you probably being threatened by someone in life with at this moment. That person could be the one whom you interact frequently. Or that threat could be the result of your repressed emotions and memories. .
6. Running away from a powerful person
If you see that you are chased by a powerful person, like your parent, police, etc., it usually indicates the feelings of regret and guilt due to some of your actions.
Read more: Dreaming about falling meanings
Dreams of Being Chased That are a Good Sign
1. Running away from bad weather
Dreaming of action is a positive dream to have.
If you dream that you are running away from the rain or other bad weather conditions, this is a sign that you will soon encounter a good person who will help you overcome obstacles in life.
2. Being chased and hiding in a house
This dream shows your ability to escape from difficult situations and overcome all kinds of problems with ease. All the tough things now will disappear and a future with many good opportunities will open to you.
3. Running away from the rain and hiding under an umbrella
If you see that you are running away from the rain and standing under an umbrella, this is the indicator telling that you will make use of your common sense and prudent approach to overcome most life obstacles.
4. Being chased and hiding in a friend’s house
This dream is a good sign. When seeing yourself being chased and the next scene is you hiding in your friend or relative’s house, it shows your capacity of breaking away from danger and taking care of yourself properly.
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5. Being chased and hiding in a coffin
Feels scared when seeing you in a coffin?
Don’t worry if you dream of a coffin; in fact, hiding in a coffin is considered as a good omen. Maybe some unexpected news will knock on your door and surprise you. It could be about the wedding of someone close to you, and you will soon receive the invitation card.
6. Running to a different space
You can be chased to mysterious spaces, such as the moon, and other planets. If you dream of running away from the chaser to a special space, it suggests that you have the ability to avoid dangerous things and toxic people in your life.
Why You Dream of Being Chased?
Running away or being chased is a sign of fear, hesitation, or unwillingness. If you find yourself run away from something in dreams, the thing chasing you is probably what don’t like, you want to get rid of, or you are under pressure in real life.
If you keep running without stopping, it’s a sign that you need to speed up, or it could be that you are losing your patience. In case you don’t see the destination while running, you may have concerns and problems that cannot be solved.What does it mean if you do nothing to protest but just run when being chased?
Then there must be some issues you are trying to avoid in life. The images in your dream are associated with your actions when it comes to dealing with pressures and fears. So, dreaming of being chased wants you to be brave whenever facing difficulties and to calmly think of wise solutions.
The reason you see yourself running away in yourself could be because you’re afraid of something in life, and it is reflected through your subconscious. Probably you’ve watched or heard too many violent, horror stories. Therefore, avoid those if you want to have a good sleep.
That’s all for dreams about being chased!
When you dream of being chased, the best way is to rest and have some free time to organize your studies or work.
Reading your favorite books will make you feel happy and relaxing. In addition, try to interact more with people around as well as friends to increase your good fortune. Spend time gathering with friends, and good things will come to you, such as receiving gifts, making new friends, and being offered unexpected business opportunities.
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