Have you ever had a dream of murdering someone? I have to say that seeing a crime scene or yourself killing someone in a dream could be the most horrifying experience in your sleep. It can leave you stressed and anxious for a couple of days. It’s completely understandable, like who doesn’t feel uncomfortable when […]
What Do Flying Dreams Mean: True Interpretation Online
If we have ever experienced any kind of flying dreams, it is likely that we can wake up with the fresh feelings. In fact, these flying dreams are not similar to other mundane ones we have encountered on a regular basic. It is believed that up to 90% of all flying dreams are totally “lucid”. […]
Dream of Winning the Lottery (with 7 Hidden Meanings)
What does it mean when you dream of winning the lottery? Is it a good or bad omen? Usually, dreaming about winning the lottery started from our own desires. Life is difficult, earning for living is not an easy thing; therefore, we always think about winning the lottery as a wish to change our lives. […]
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Finding Money?
In general, seeing or winning money in our dream reveals that prosperity and success tends to be within our reach. What does it mean when you dream about finding money? Money symbolizes values, success, confidence, or self-worth. At that time, we need to have much belief in ourselves. Alternatively, having a dream about finding money […]
Dreaming of Hair Falling out: Is This a Bad Sign or NOT?
The hair completes your physical look. Having a thick, silky hair always makes you feel gorgeous and confident. When someone loses their hair, they will lose their confidence as well. Therefore, dreaming of hair falling out is never a good sign! If you put so much care on your hair, hair loss dream can be […]
What Does It Mean When You Dream about Death of a Family Member?
Have you dreamed about someone who passed away recently? Do you often dream about dead people? What does it mean when you dream about death of a family member? In this article, you may find the answer to things you’re curious to know. Many think that dreams predict future, and that could make you worried […]