What does it mean when you dream of friend dying?
Dreaming of your best friend dying (passing away) indicates that good fortune and prosperity are coming your way. Perhaps you are having problems at work, having conflicts with your loved ones, or getting stuck life.
When having a dream like this, those issues will be resolved smoothly. Everything will be fine soon and back to the way it was, so no need to worry much!
Learn more about this kind of dream in the following…
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Why You Dream of Your Friend Dying?

Others may think of you as a superstitious person if you tell them about seeing a friend dying in a dream. In fact, this dream is quite common, and your dreaming experience can imply the meaning and symbolism.
In case you are curious and wonder what it means when having a dream of a dead friend, get the most accurate dream interpretation via today’s article.
See also: Dreams about old friends
Dreaming of a close friend dying is likely a sign of your transformation in life. Their death in your dream can be seen as a new step. There’s a possibility that you’ll begin a new job, conceive a baby, or even enter a new relationship.
Different dream contexts will give you different useful information:
1. Your close friend dying and waking up in a coffin
This dream sounds scary; however, it is a sign signifying that you have to wait for a very long time before getting the opportunity to reunite with your friend.
The close relationship you have had with your friend is one of the reasons for your success in work and prosperity in life. On the other hand, this dream is also a reminder telling you to take good care of your health. Never neglect it just because of work, or you may face huge consequences later.
2. Your friend whom you rarely meet dying
It has been a while since the last time you saw that friend of yours.
If you dream about them dying in your sleep, it means you’re hoping to find back a piece of your personality that has been lost or no longer exists due to pressures on the daily basis. Put it simply, life is so harsh that you’ve forgotten about your true self. Keep in mind that this dream has nothing to do with death but merely your personality.
3. Your best friend who died for a long time
In a dream, you meet your long lost close friend again.
This could be a possibility that you miss them and think about them. Therefore, your subconscious mind just digs some past memories and form dreams for you. On the other hand, according to dream experts, you may deal with some work issues, conflicts with relatives, or hardships in life when seeing this dream.
Read more: When you dream of fighting someone meanings
Dream of Your Friend Dying Meanings
When dreaming about death, you may feel frightened.
It is rare to dream of a stranger dying. So, when seeing a best friend or loved one dying in a dream, you’ll be likely to wake up with fear and a heart pounding badly. Does it predict something in the future? Is your friend in danger? What does it actually mean if your friend passes away in your dream?
Here are some of the most common interpretations:
1. Fear of loss
While this dream can make you feel extremely traumatic, there are plenty of reasons behind explaining why it could happen. Firstly, you see a particular friend dying in your dream – it’s because you two are indeed best friends. They are one of the most significant people in your life. So, it’s obviously understandable if you are afraid of losing them.If your close friend passed away in your dream, 99% is because you are afraid of losing them. A true friend is someone who always supports you in every situation. Even when life seems tough, they are always there to guide you.
Who isn’t afraid of losing friends?
But it’s unlikely to happen in real life, unless you have a reason to be.
2. Changes in your friendship
Your friendship is changing.
When making friend with someone, we all hope the friendship will last forever. Sadly, life has always changed so quickly, and we end up separating in different ways. There have been too many times when a friend has had to move to another living place or go to college.
That can happens at any sudden times, so no wonder you have a great fear of losing your friend. While you’re likely to keep in touch, your best friend does have their own life as well. For instance, they would become too busy with work or anything else, so gradually you two can talk to each other as much as you wanted to.
If they leave, you won’t see each other more like before.
3. Feelings of guilty
Sometimes, you are the reason causing changes to your relationship. Something has happened in your life; therefore, you need to reconsider your priorities immediately. You may feel guilty about not spending enough time with your friends. Or, you regret for not trying hard enough to help them before.
This interpretation is especially true if you see your friend dying in a dream and you can’t do anything to help them. If you’re the reason of their death in a dream, it is because of the guilt you have deep inside. Whenever you see that you are the one triggering or unable to stop their death, probably you feel guilty in your real life.
The Bottom Line
The true meaning of dream of friend dying is quite confusing.
Usually, the meanings will be different with each person. Cultures and experiences are also likely to have different interpretations of death dreams. This is not really a bad thing. Remember that death is part of the circle of life.
It represents changes and ultimate transformations which can be related to the relationship with your circle of friends.
The easiest way to interpret dreams about death is to analyze it.
Know exactly what happened in your dream of friend dying will help you interpret the exact meaning of your dream.
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