Have you ever had a dream of murdering someone?
I have to say that seeing a crime scene or yourself killing someone in a dream could be the most horrifying experience in your sleep. It can leave you stressed and anxious for a couple of days.
It’s completely understandable, like who doesn’t feel uncomfortable when witnessing a gruesome death, even if it’s just a dream.
So, why would you dream about murder?
Learn more in the following…
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Killing Someone in a Dream Interpreted

What is the meaning and significance of such a dream?
Like any other dreams, the dream of murdering someone is also symbolic. Once having it interpreted accurately, the meanings can reveal a lot of things about yourself as well as your life.
According to experts, dreams are rarely like what they appear to be. Put it simply, they just reflects your thoughts, emotional state, and experiences at the moment. When having a dream about murder, it doesn’t mean you will get involved with death.
See also: Dream about the death of your family member
In today’s article, let’s have a look at some common meanings of this dream.
1. Feeling struggled with the past
When dreaming about you murdering someone in your sleep, it seems like there was something occurring in the past that upsets you. Perhaps it has not been solved, so the negative feelings built up inside make you overwhelmed in the present life.
If someone had done something wronged to you, you would have felt a heightened sense of aggression toward them. That angry emotion could make you feel like wanna kill them.
Even though you would never do that, it somehow did satisfy you partially.
This dream is a sign that you should settle with your past before it gets worse. Holding much negativity about an old situation can affect your wellbeing terribly.
2. Removing a source of stress
Dreaming of murdering someone reflects your desire to put something stressful in your life to an end. This is mainly related to how you think and feel about your professional life. The moment this dream appeared in your sleep, it means you are stuck with your current job but unable to find an exit.
When having the murder dream, deep down you’ve thought about getting a new job seriously. Don’t let that source of stress affect all of your aspects in life and make you give up.
Take control of your life instead with your free will!
Click to discover the meaning of dream of winning the lottery!
3. Removing toxic people
Are you having someone that recently you want to cut ties with?
If yes, then that’s the reason you see yourself murdering someone in a dream.
Perhaps you are in a stressful relationship with a toxic person. They could be your boss, parent, sibling, life partner, lover, friend, or client. In some cases, the figure showing up in your dream is not necessarily the one you feel annoyed in the real world. This dream is an indicator of you not wanting to be a part of the toxicity.
Whatever the reason behind is, dreams about murdering someone signify that your issues are coming, and you need to handle them now. The best way is to remove people with toxic energy from your life and surround yourself with those bringing positivity.
4. Being overlooked by others
This dream is a reflection of you getting tired of being overlooked. It seems like there’s no one actually listening to you or taking you seriously, especially at work.
Your boss and colleagues may be treating you like any invisible individual.
Having the murder dream doesn’t mean you hate your job, but you don’t feel like being acknowledged for what you are trying to do. People supposed to support you at work are neglecting and ignoring you instead.
You’ve had enough, and the dream of murdering someone has shown your deepest desire. That’s stand up for yourself!
Be brave and let them hear your opinions, ideas, and suggestions for at least once.
Read more: Dream about having a car accident
5. Ending a relationship
Another reason explaining why you see this dream is an important relationship to you seems to sink.
If you dream of killing your spouse or lover, it’s trying to tell you about the state of your relationship. Probably you and your loved one currently encounter lots of arguments, and everything is just going downhill.
The image of murdering someone, in this case, is associated with your anger as well as bitterness when being cheated or betrayed.
To be honest, it’s up to you when it comes to deciding the ending of your relationship. Maybe saving it now is too late…or not. Make use of the dream as a wake-up call so that you can come up with good solutions for your relationship before it dies.
6. Craving for power
In case you see yourself ending someone’s life with a gun in your dream, it means you crave for power.
Dreams about a murder in which you are holding a gun symbolize your strong desire for power and control. In real life, you also get the upper hand when owning a gun. With this weapon, you can ask others to do whatever you want.
The dream where you killed someone using a gun displays your thoughts of wanting to dominate a certain thing. You could be thinking about gaining power, conquering, and even taking control of some aspects in life.
There is of course nothing wrong with wanting power as long as you do not force people to attain your goals.
In a Nutshell
The dream of murdering someone is, in general, a sign that you have a difficult problem in your life or you have been through a lonely time. It is because you are so worried and obsessed about something that it is grown deeply in your subconscious, leading to a situation where you are still worried and afraid while sleeping.
Seeing yourself is a murderer in a dream is also a sign that you are having pain and fear making you either try to overcome it or run away from it.