The person in your dream is the one who is missing you.
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When you dream about someone are they thinking of you?
Personally, I think that we all have dreamed about someone at least once in our life. They could be the person that we know or we have never met before. What does it imply? How are these people related to us? Why do we see them in dreams? Is it a good sign…or bad?
Learn more in the following…
Table of Contents
The Truth When You See Someone in a Dream

When someone appears in your dream, it can be a sign that they are thinking about you, or a reflection of your feelings toward them in your waking life. The most importance is how the relationship between you and them is. You should write down all the details about your dreams in a journal because they may come true in the future.
See also: Having nightmares during pregnancy
1. Seeing a family member
When you dream about someone in your family, this shows your personality. For example, if you see that your aunt is going through an accident in a dream, it means that you are the reserved type. Or, if your relative in the dream is not an active person, then you rarely express yourself in reality.
2. Seeing a co-worker
What does it mean when you dream about your colleague or boss?
These people reflect a part of you, letting you know more about yourself in the present. If you see more than two co-workers in your dream, it means that you have to be more decisive in the future because there will be many issues to deal with. Later, you will encounter different situations depending on your decision.
3. Seeing a stranger
Dreaming of a stranger is a sign of money loss. Be careful about your spending as well as financial investments during this time to avoid unwanted risks. In addition, stay away from all the toxic relationships from now on if you don’t want to destroy the happiness that you’ve built.
Click here when you go finding money in a dream!
4. Seeing someone’s death
If someone is dying in your dream, it is the indicator of upcoming misfortunes that could happen to you. During this time, you should be careful of traveling to prevent unwanted accidents.
In case you see yourself grieving over someone’s death in a dream, it means that deep down inside you’re trying to dealing with pain and painfully learn about letting go of things that you hold deeply in your heart.
Read more: Meanings of dreams about the death of a family member
5. Seeing a love interest
How about dreaming of someone you have feelings for?
The presence of that person in your dream indicates the level of your infatuation for that him/her. If you see the two of you are stuck in an urgent situation, probably right now you are going off track in your life.
If you dream about your love interest is in a relationship with someone, don’t quickly doubt his/her loyalty. According to dream interpreters, this is a good sign that you will receive a lot of joy in life.
Is That Person Thinking of You?
Many believe that if you have a dream about someone, they are in fact thinking about you. Though some are skeptical because there is no solid evidence for this, it doesn’t mean that it’s completely untrue.
You may think this is a coincidence, but there’s still a possibility of dreaming about a certain person while they are thinking of you.
They often appear in your dreams
Do you see them often?
What are dreams? Why do we see them? Like I’ve mentioned above, all the visions appearing in your dreams are basically the reflection of things occurring recently in your daily life, such as places, people, and events. So, if you have dreams about someone in certain on a regular basis, it actually has no particular reason for that.
They just pop up randomly in your dreams.
But, let’s dig a bit deeper about dreaming of a person whom you’re not particularly close or fond of…
They represent your feelings
Yup, seeing someone in particular in a dream about could be an indicator of your feeling. For more detailed information, all you need is to take a deeper look at the person showing up in your dream.
What type of feeling did they bring to the table?
It’s a must to consider when and where they appeared in your life; at the same time, try to recall the type of feelings they gave for you. Were you happy around them…or sad, or angry? Keep in mind that your dreams may have nothing to with them; it’s just the emotion that you’re feeling at the time.
They represent your want or need
Besides, the person who showed up in your dream can be an indicator of what you want or need at this point in your life.
For example, if you dreamed about your ex, it doesn’t necessarily mean you want to bring him/her back. Maybe both of you ended on good terms, you already move on from the past and no longer miss him/her at all. Therefore, when seeing the ex in a dream, the chance is that you want to fall in love again.
Dreaming about someone working the job that you like? This reflects your deep desire shown through a person for that career.
Final Words
When you dream about someone are they thinking of you?
At the end of the day, the answer is honestly uncertain. To find out what your dream actually means, the first thing is to have a deeper look into your dream and all other possibilities.
You never know the absolute answer that a dream may hold!
Have you ever dreamt about someone? Did you find out the true meaning of your dream? Don’t mind sharing your stories with us here!
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