For decades, Islamic dream interpretation has been the ancient practice analyzing the past, present, and future situations via the series of imaginary images in the dreamers’ minds.
It is said that the Islam tend to combine various elements of dreams from names to objects to provide the great access to interpretations. In that sense, interpreting dreams in the eyes of the Islam is similar to reading the meaning of each factor and its synonyms in their mother tongue.
Providing that you’re entirely interested in Islamic dream interpretation and the power of dreams, let yourself immerse in the mysterious practice freely as there is nothing negative to explore or follow it!
The ancient science of this religion is originated centuries ago.
Thanks to the long and rich history, most of visions are clearly addressed and explained in the Islamic dream concept.
Let’s find out!
Table of Contents
A Glimpse of Dream Interpretation in Islam

It was Prophet Muhammad that created the concept of Islamic dream interpretation based on the strengths of his lucid dreams or visions. The occultist took for granted that good dreams were associated with the extraordinary miracles that held spiritual messages about humans’ scopes of life.
Thanks to the good intention and bright mind, Muhammad produced the positive interpretations for his dreams that alluded to the progressive growth and victory of Islam.
Thus, there was no sign of negativity or pessimism in his dream explanation.
Three kinds of Islamic dreams
In general, there are 3 kinds of dreams in the field of my Islamic dream interpretations.
First of all, the true or Good Dreams are said to be the gifts from Allah. According to the Prophet Muhammad, dreamers who dream of the favorable event or image must thank Allah for the enjoyable experience and narrate it to others so that the whole community can share the good meanings.
In contrast, the second type of Islamic Dream – Bad Dream – is said to come from the devils. In this case, Muhammad advises those who have bad visions to seek protection from the Allah against the devil by holding the bad experience as the secret. It is not recommended to tell the others your bad dreams. Instead, you’d better stand up and offer prayers to call for Allah’s help.
Next, the third kind of Islamic Dream is the one of personal desire. Heavily depending on your inner desire from the bottom of heart, the visions can be good or bad. Thus, your good dream may be regarded as the bad one in the others’ eyes. That causes the Muslim to restrain themselves from retelling or sharing their dreaming experience with one another openly.
Examples of Islamic dream interpretation for reference
Dreaming about being called to prayer reflects your desire to gain success and achieve the life goals. Otherwise, seeing of bathing means you’re trying to escape from illness or calamity by all means.
Along with that, the image of fat cows alludes to the hopes for rich harvest whereas the lean cows represent your fear of the poor harvest.
How about dreaming of walking through a gate?
It is interpreted that you’ve accomplished the personal goals completely, congratulation! What’s more, flowers in dream reflect to the blissful rewards for your goodness while gold indicates the wishes for a compatible marriage.
Have you ever laughed while being asleep?
Laughing means you’re about to receive the good news or advantageous experience.
Importantly, it is the big warning to dream of sex or sexual intercourse. In Islam, such the dream is believed to be caused by the devil and is not interpreted unless the dreamer is married.
In some cases, the ritual bath is required to clear the bad thoughts of an unmarried individual to turn that person back to the state of purity.
What the Bible Says about Dream Interpretation?

I’ve been dreaming a lot about being in deep water and feeling passionate fire flowing in my inner heart.
What can happen to me?
In fact, the answer won’t necessarily be related to the scientific study of dreams; instead, it may focus mainly on the Biblical foundation for a dream’s definition, the reality of the dreams, the cause of a dream, several common purposes for dreams, etc.
So, what does the Bible say about dream interpretations?
The following details will surely shed some light!
Why do we dream?
Dreams often reflect life experiences, yet can contain both fascinating and frightening factors from imaginations, movies, books, or even online games.
Why do people have a tendency to dream while falling into sleep?
According to some believers, God tend to use visions and dreams to talk with us. His messages can bring the communications of heaven to the earth. In general, he will craft each dream individually, and then use it to speak to us in various ways and for different intentions.
Therefore, his Plans and Visions will be revealed via our weird dreams. For the most cases, God will show us something ahead of time because he desires to provide us with an obvious vision to see beyond our current state.
Sometimes, the dreams can disclose the latent issues that can inspire us to greatness, keep us protected from many harmful ways or give wonderful insights into our surroundings.
According to some prominent researchers, dreams come to our mind without any certain purpose. However, it does not mean that we may ignore the translations of their meaning. Interestingly, dream interpretations will help us stay away from some hidden dangers or give us some tips on dealing with our dilemmas.
Dream interpretation under The Bible’s views
This article will not essentially focus on the scientific study of dreams. Instead, it will pay much attention to the Biblical foundation for the dream’s definition, its cause, and its reality.
The main definition of dream
Again, it is strongly emphasized that we shall define the dream based on the scriptural definition. In Job 33:15, the Bible says that: “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds.”
Many things are revealed in this one verse, right?
First of all, a dream will be a vision of the night. It means that a dream will happen when deep sleep falls on everyone. Various researchers supposed that we are often dreaming once sleeping, yet we only remember these dreams right before awakening.
A dream is likely to be something that occurs when a person is asleep.
Those who study dreams also say that we’re always dreaming when sleeping; however, we just remember all details in the dreams right before awaking. This can truly fit with the scriptures in many cases where people tend to remember a dream, which indeed woke them up.
The prime cause for dream
In fact, it seems that we have not still got the certain and solid answers to what cause for dream. Nevertheless, the Bible includes a verse which provides us with the reason. According to Ecclesiastes 5:3: “For a dream comes with much business, and a fool’s voice with many words“.
Excitingly, numerous individuals who are expert in dream analysis suggest that when our body prepares to slow down to rest, our mind often continues to work. Actually, the Bible considers that the emotional and physical multitude of business tend to cause dreams. Therefore, it can understand why our body settles in rest; our mind is able to keep right on thinking and working.
Dream translation and its reality
Convincingly, dreams may emerge to be real. Sometimes, we can wake up fearfully, sadly or happily. However, we merely realize after a while.
In Isaiah 29:8 “As when a hungry man dreams he is eating and awakes with his hunger not satisfied, or as when a thirsty man dreams he is drinking and awakes faint, with his thirst not quenched, so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion”. It signifies that we can dream about eating or drinking, yet once being awaking, we are still empty.
It might have appeared real, but it wasn’t. Anything else to keep in mind here is that dreams aren’t necessarily believed to mean everything.
Think about Ecclesiastes 5:7: “For when dreams increase and words grow many, there is vanity; but God is the one you must fear“. This verse advises that the multitude of dreams may be worth totally nothing. Hence, we don’t put much trust in them. Instead, if they seem real, we’re rather to fear the God.
Overview of Christian Dream Interpretations

Have you ever heard about the Christian dreams or Biblical ones?
This is one of the most subjects that almost everyone would love to hear about, especially in this article. As we know, such psychic or spiritual dreams are considered to serve as the most crucial importance not only in Christianity but also the other religious aspects.
The definitions of Christian dreams
Moreover, every country related to this religion would have one solid reason here for recognizing any information or spiritual message right from such dreams. Most of them might see whatever is conveyed as the holy narratives of the Bible. The interpretations can be assumed to speak about the divine guidance by any means.
Also, they know that it’s God stating that he will definitely convey through both dreams and visions right from the Old Testament.
Each individual is aware of here is the existence of all 122 mentions about dreams that is all available in the Bible. According to both Joseph and Daniel, they have the capacity of having those explained dreams delivered straightforward from the God.
As it comes to the Bible, it’s claimed to describe different happenings of every dream as divine revelation. It’s claimed that one Christian symbol is exactly an object or any figure used to symbolize any idea or concept and even a general picture of one situation.
Such icons are certainly the images or symbolic information presented with the most necessary significance here. It’s apparent that those icons can manifest themselves in any dream, and mentioned several times in every biblical interpretations.
For example, the dream concerning the house or a new room discovered within it will mean that you’ve got some positive thinking or inner feelings towards something so fresh. It could be a completely new part of your own life, which you could choose to get used to it or not.
Following the God, it’s possible to get your desires fully opened as long as you know how to co-operate well. In case that the dream related to your negative feelings, then it signifies that God just likes to let you see another dark part of your own life.
Tarot Card of Today
It’s sure that Tarot won’t own even a special power that can totally help you out with the act of changing any future happening. However, people would suppose it to be able to assist them in anticipating everything ahead of their future life.
Hurry to obtain the 100% free daily Tarot card reading for the best potentials and any probable event that you might want to know the most.
Despite that Tarot does not own any special capacity of changing the future life in total, it’s still possible for us to be able to anticipate things to know how to avoid the challenges in the best possible way. Now it’s your turn to find out more about the day by requesting one free daily card reading, which is obviously a perfect way to start the day.
What you’ve got to do here is to pick about 3 cards at first, and then enter the name into the textbox so that the outcome can be revealed right after that.
You can totally find true meanings or original significance of Islamic dream interpretation
based on symbols as well as dream icons dating back to the earliest times as most of the normal people used not to be able to know a thing about reading, writing, and printing.
For that reason, only pictures or images would be the most frequently tools used as the everyday accepted Islamic icons, which are fully interpreted from the dream interpretation dictionary.
Freely put your questions referring to this topic in our contact box to for the immediate answers with adequate expectation.