In the list of the top-consulted types of psychic readings, dream interpretation is vastly searched and followed by the spiritual believers.
Have you ever felt curious about the imaginary images that you see during the sleep?
So long as ones want to get their dreams deciphered for the healthy lifestyle, dream interpretation is worth well the praises.
As the ancient art that has been studied in nearly all cultures on Earth, the dream analyses empower human beings to take more control over the spiritual life better than ever. According to the antique Greeks and Egyptians, only the special figures blessed with the metaphysical energy can decipher the meanings of dreams.
So, are dream interpretations real?
Sign up for one free dream interpretation online chat and get your answer!
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Looking for real advisors who are able to offer you accurate predictions and in-depth answers about your future?
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1. California Psychics – Provide you with insights about how you should act on issues
Hotline: (866) 552-3943
2. Kasamba – Solve all of the problems and anxieties you have in your daily life
Table of Contents
Find a Legit Place for Your Dreams Get Interpreted
1. CALIFORNIA PSYCHICS – Accurate, legit services by phone

Since 1995, California Psychics has been in the business; and today, they’ve become one of premier psychic networks well-known globally. Till to date, over 6 million clients have been served with satisfaction.
Before hiring on any advisor, this site claims they’ll test their psychic’s abilities by requiring them to go through a legitimate multiple interview process. None of the readers here is the scam; indeed, they are well-intentioned, talented individuals who have a strong desire to help others.
Based on experience and feedback, California Psychics has divided their readers into 3 different categories: Popular, Preferred, and Premium. The price for a reading with these types of advisors also ranges differently.
The psychic network here has a satisfaction guarantee and customer care available 24/7. In addition, booking a reading is very simple with their secure and confidential payments.
If you’re new visitors, you can start a reading at a special low price: $1 per minute.
Hotline: (866) 552-3943
2. KASAMBA – A diverse selection of psychics

Founded in 1999, Kasamba (Live Person formerly) is one of the long-running psychic networks. This is the home of many advisors with incredible skills from all over the world.
Be assured when booking a reading here because Kasamba has all the features that you expect from a trustworthy site. You can find the real-time reviews for each psychic, detailed profile to learn about their personality and style, and satisfaction guarantees.
The company also has the psychic monitoring and verification process.
Keep in mind that Kasamba will not refund 100% in all situations; in fact, they promise to offer the refund up to $50 – this is only applied to new clients. Contact with their customer support if you receive a poor reading, and they will refund you fairly and appropriately.
You can easily find a wide array of psychics with different types of readings like love and relationships, fertility, medium, dream interpretation, and so on.
3. PSYCHIC SOURCE – Most stand out psychic reading provider

Of all psychic sites, I must say that Psychic Source is the most genuine one. They’ve been in the industry since 1989, so it’s obvious to see their clearly demonstrated experience throughout 30 years.
They have a variety of professional and reliable psychics; most of them provide the services mainly in the form of chat and phone. However, some do come with video readings for the guidance in advance. When visitors access this site, the purpose of Psychic Source is to help you feel the vibe of kindness and compassion.
The company offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
With a very strict, thorough psychic screening process, you can be certain that all advisors here are professional, skillful, and capable of satisfying your needs. What I like most about Psychic Source is that they offer the introductory price for only $0.99 per minute.
Also, the profile of each reader is consistently laid out in a simple format making it easy to review. Consider the ‘staff picked’ if you feel a bit overwhelmed with your own choice.
What to Know about Dreaming in a Chat Room?

In case of dream interpretation chat room, it is interpreted that the dreamers are in the unpleasant situations that need solving in the urgent needs.
If dreaming about being in a chat room, it means that you desire to reach out to people who are not always around psychically. Along with that, such the imaginary images also allude to the warning of spending too much time in front of the computer. What’s more, there are lots of other meanings that are worth being taken into account.
For instance, if having dream about the instant messages in chat room, it urges you to form connection with the relatives or buddies who are in distance. Besides, there exist some other means of chatting via text messages, video, voice chat, public and private chat rooms, etc. If being in the locked chat rooms, it suggests that you need time to calm down and cool off.
Otherwise, dreaming about the secretive chat rooms means that you are now developing the new strengths and taking the new roles as well.
General Meanings of Dreams to Study
As far back as the 16th century, we have various books on the topics of dream interpretations. Thankfully, dreams and their attached meanings have been analyzed and explained well in the documented pieces that are passed from generation to generation.
Nowadays, the modern seekers are welcomed to self-interpret their dreams via the assistance from books and online sources. However, none can replace the roles of the so-called dream interpreters who master the art of deciphering the illustrations in respect to the Spirit Guides’ messages and their own intuition.
So, what do dreams mean?
Evidently, the dreams are closely linked to a person’s life experience and activities. In general, what you see when being asleep alludes to the real events that used to occur or will happen one day. In that sense, dreams serve as the insights about the past, present, and future as well.
For instance, if you’re afraid of becoming older and older, it is possible to dream about the falling teeth. On the other hand, if feeling scary of the volume of work, you may get the running dreams away the huge chasers of documents.
Lots of inside feelings and secrets are unconsciously incorporated into the dreams. Hence, the art of getting them interpreted is absolutely beneficial. In case of precognitive dreams, they are the instructive resources to foretell what will happen in the future.
The dreams themselves are symbolic in nature.
Hence, by deciphering the imaginary symbols in details, the practitioners can conclude what actually occurs in your mind. According to the well-trained and experienced interpreters, they have the restless interest in every angle of dreams such as colors, shapes, numbers, sounds, actions, etc.
Thus, the dreamers are often encouraged to get the details noted down in the dream journal. Plus, it is advised to join in free psychic chat rooms and community forums to chat about the rich meanings of dreams!
Dreams’ purpose in your life
Dreams are believed to be an extremely exciting feature of the human beings’ minds. In fact, any kind of our dreams we have ever had has the same roots, components and causes.
Once we wake up, these dreams may be seen and traced back to our daily life.
Although it is supposed that dreams often appear in our mind without any certain and specific purpose, their generic intention is to solve the unfinished thoughts that are left over from the previous days.
They can occur in every sleep, yet we are only apt to remember some certain ones for their weird nature, fearful lines or desirable experience.
How about their contents?
Similarly, the contents of our dreams are mostly identified via the uncompleted thought processes that tend to be left over in our brain from the days before. For example, a dream about a girl wearing a sexy bikini has derived from a Miss World contest on TV we watched last night.
Nevertheless, sometimes, we can have the strange dream such as meeting and conversing with the spirits of the deceased although we did see any horror movies before. At that time, it can be the sign of someone who comes from the afterlife, and tries to tell us something.
How Accurate is Dream Analyzation?

In general, dreams give us fascinating insights into our waking difficulties and desires.
Are dream analyses real?
Actually, dream translation has been described as a part of the therapy for centuries.
Some recent researches have documented the important role of dreams in organizing our feelings and thoughts from the past days. Bear in mind that every dream will have its own meaning. If we understand their generic meanings, we can find it easy to explore the in-depth significances.
Analysis of dream may be a very different process. Its content can include various meanings that scare but comfort us a lot. For the most cases, making sense of the nightmare will be surely scary.
Interestingly, dream may be very useful to validate our true feelings, thoughts and perspectives. They may give a glimpse to our unconscious thoughts and feelings. For instance, if we harm someone, our dreams will not certainly be full of the positive images. Instead, they can contain many terrible ones.
Try to remember that dream translations can not be used to predict the future, make some big decisions for us or play the main roles in our life.
How to interpret your dreams?
Analyzing dreams can become easy if you follow some basic steps below:
Learn to remember our dreams
Dream translation will be more meaningful if you get its clear picture. As a result, don’t forget to prepare a dream journal and jot down everything we remember about the dreams once waking up.
Recognize images and events
First of all, before discovering any deeper layer, we should interpret our dream as its most basic level. That will be done by searching for the clearest meanings. After that, decide if the dream reflects our real life situation and what it means specifically to us.
Translate abstract dreams
Now, here is the right time to analyze the true emotions that we felt in the dream (fearful, happy, sad, confused, etc.) Dreams have a tendency to come to us via the way of metaphor. Try to pay close attention to the feelings that the dream elicits.
In addition, not only must we be pleased to put in the effort to analyze our dreams, but also we should be honest about our inner emotions and feelings. If possible, don’t forget to look for some famous and trustworthy dream dictionaries for extra help.
What are True Meanings of Dream Interpretations?

Find one free online dream mood guide to get all your esoteric dreams fully interpreted.
You’re welcomed to enter the world of dreams and find the key to every unique and mysterious dream of your own. Get to learn true meanings of the dreams for the best and exact explanation about the readings.
Come to get a clearer view on any personal issue and most important aspect of your life with all reliable dream interpretation tools online now. Let the most excellent dream interpreters find a key to unlock and unfold every secret or meaning about whatever you dream repeatedly every night.
Ask them for the most quality interpretation of your own dream to have a better perspective on your most important life issues. Prepare yourself for the most personal emotions, backgrounds, and other experiences sent from your dream.
Keep in mind that once understanding what you dream about, it would help a lot while unifying your body, mind, and spirit.
What Does Your Dream Mean?
What is it about or what message does it want to convey to you?
Find the answers through the meanings of your dream revealed by the free online dream interpretation tool.
Take a quick look at two main types of the so-called Islamic dreams as below:
1. Good Dreams
These types of dreams can be seen as the true ones arising from Allah while bad dreams are reported to come from Shaitan.
According to Sahih Muslim, only dream comes true with the ones who are really truthful about everything and even in their own speeches. If you actually have a good dream about something else relating to yourself, feel free to have more good expectations about it.
Apparently, once a man saw a dream that he really gets into, then it must be a good dream and from Allah. He properly thanks Allah for letting him to see the positive things and is allowed to share it with the others.
2. Bad Dreams
As stated in the above, bad dreams are mostly from Shaitan, and if you see it once.
Do not rush to share it or mention it to anybody. Whenever you saw a dream that you’re not completely excited about, please spit on the left side, and ask Allah for a certain refuge or help to avoid yourself from being harmed by the open enemy.
Another better way to guard yourself from the risks is to change the position that you’re lying at that moment. According to Prophet Muhammad, if you spit about three times and find the refuge from Allah, that bad dream won’t harm you.
When dream symbolism is mentioned here, we immediately understand how serious the task of removing any obscurity from the careful study of dreams.
Furthermore, understanding dreams can help us to get personal clarity in different aspects of life. Start to understand the symbolism of the dreams through the possible interconnectedness of events. If we successfully do it, it’ll help us a lot especially when it comes to our internal development in life.
Symbolic Dream Interpretation Online
Get the profound messages from your dream explained with the dream interpretation tools online.
When dreaming, make sure that you can communicate and ponder anything coming up to your awareness. Feel free to get a detailed interpretation for the best dream results at every end of the dream reading. Learn how you may apply this amount of information to real life for the best internal growth in the future.
Type your own dream in the textbox online, and click “interpret” to get a deeper understanding of your unique and symbolic dreams.
For additional information related to the subject here, please contact us immediately for a quick response.
hi i dreamt im sailing on a boat and two sharks are with me 1 on my right and one on my left. And the same night i dream im looking through a big window. Plz tel me wot this mean islamic point of view
so its been two nights now that I’ve dreamt of the same mysterious girl… the first night i dreamt that we were kissing and my gf seen and threw me off a building. the second night i dreamt that this girl and i were dating and moved in together … having the best time ever … the weirdest thing about this dream is how real it all felt … and how happy she made me … it was truly amazing … this girl looked a lot like Selena Gomez too. do you think I’m having these dreams coz I’m unhappy in my relationship … and subconsciously want to leave ?
Sorry for a late reply but it does show a sign you are unhappy in your relationship and there may be someone else you come across in the future
I had a dream last night that I found my brother in the tub, laying down with the water running on him. He was badly beaten up with bruises, cuts, scrapes, and blood. I said David what happen? Are you okay? He said yea I’m fine, it’s nothing. Then I woke up.
On Sunday, I woke up to not only a bad dream but to severe chest pains. I woke up having to drink one bottle of water and as I lay there I remember in my dream seeing a person in a black cloak from top to bottom. I could only see the back and not the face or front of this individual. Last night, I dreamt of it again and at the same time which was 4a.m. Can anyone tell me what this is all about because I am getting quite freaked.
There was no sound or visual only the date 8/25/2018. Accompanied by terrible feeling about it. Any Information?
PLZZZ HELP …So i dreamt that i was in the hospital in a bed and then my boss came in well hes my shift lead… so he aproched my bed and seamed really worried for me in my dream i thought he was just there to pay respects or just visite but next thing i know he goes in like to give me a hug like crying and kissed me full on i loved it i wont lie i liked it and well few days latter in my dream i felt much better… from there a relation ship started and formed..,in real life he has a gf so im told
Okay, so My friend and I both dreamt of eachother thw same day. However, we live in two different countries with different time zones. I dreamt that him and I were going to steal this great horse. we get to an open field, the horse is there all alone. As we get close to it, the horse stands up, revealing that it’s back legs are those of a woman’s. His dream, however, is much darker. Him and I are possessing god-like powers, I try to hold him back, and all he remembers is telling me “why leave this world, where we can become gods?” As i try to hold him back, with piercing eyes. What could this mean? Any way this is connected? Idk if this helps, but I am “sensitive”
Hello, I was just wonder why when I have dreams I can physically feel texture, for example I will hug or kiss someone and I can feel it in the moment also when I wake up I remember exactly how It felt, also why are my dreams so realistic? Half the time I wake up thinking it actually happened
So do I. Sometimes I go places I know I’ve never been.
I have memories of dreams so realistic it can rival any classic horror movie.
I can relate to the tactile sensations you mention in your comment.
I’ve experienced similar sensations
I remember a dream once of falling from a building and when I hit the ground I awoke to feel my body actually bounce from the floor. My cousin witnessed the event because he was talking to me when I fell asleep and he saw my body convulse just as I awoke.
The mind processes the dream depending on weather or not the dream holds strong emotions. If the dream does hold strong emotions, it will feel as if you’re actually there and as if it were all real.
Sleep paralysis… How can I make it stop? Every morning my fiancé leaves for work as I drift back off to sleep it’s as if I’m stuck in some sort of in between dream world I can’t move I can’t open my eyes and I can’t talk although every once in a while I will have dreams that I can move in and see everything and it’s like I’m awake in each and every one of them sometimes I’m awake in my own room other times I’ll be in a different room I have never seen I once woke up in my apartment only it wasn’t my apartment it was an apartment during the 80s that ressembled mine and there was teenagers coming in from what looked like a prom… One girl looked directly at me but it was as if she was looking through me like she was on something and I was shirtless.. I don’t understand these sometimes people talk to me in them other times they say nothing just look at me while I try my best to yell and wake myself up.. Help please
Hey. My name is John.
Last night I had a weird dream. I can’t remember much about the dream except for near the end i felt consumed by a white light.
The weird part is when I woke up I yelled I’m back! Then I cried out for my wife to help me but she was fast asleep. I reached over to make sure I was truly awake and touched my WIFES face. She was real n I was back in my bed. Then I felt it. A burning sensation in my throat n mouth. It felt as if something evil and cancerous was removed from my body. The really weird part is that I am a smoker and
Lately I’ve been congested coughing up phlegm but today the congestion is gone and my chest feels remarkably clear. I don’t know how to explain it. Was it all just a dream? Was I abducted and experimented on by aliens?
I would just like to add that two nights ago I saw a shadowy figure disappear in my bedroom
I thought my wife was getting out of bed but when I looked she was still in bed.
Can anyone help me? Can anyone relate?
Soñe que estaba en un taller con mi hermano y de pronto a unos 30 metros detaras vi a papa con una camisa azul de cuadros manga corta , brillante. Mire a mi hermano y lo notó y con la mirada confirmamos que si era papa. Tenia un brillo peculiar yo sali corriendo hacia el pero al avanzar se volteo y fue desapareciendo. Luego me vi como en una mesa sentado con desconocidos y como si estuviera presionado apareció de nuevo y me señalo hacia abajo de la mesa, me dijo algo que no recuerdo. Luego apareci en una puerta mi papa me miro fijamente a los ojos y pude tomarlo del brazo y en un instante el estaba corriendo delante de mi y lo vi mas joven. Allí finalizo el sueño era como so yo lo seguía.
I dreamed I was in a workshop with My brother and suddenly about 30 meters behind him there was our dad wearing a short sleeve shiny blue checked shirt. I looked at my brother and we confirmed by our look that in fact that was our dad. He showing a peculiar glow. I started to run towards him but as I began to apriach he turned around and dissapeared. Then later I saw myself sitting at a table with strangers as if I I was under great pressure and dad reappeared and pointed to under the table, he told me somthing, but I do not remember . Then I saw myself at a door, my dad looked me straight in my eyes and managed to grab him by the arm and in an instance he was running in front of me, he looked younger then the dream ended. It was as if I was following him.
Good day can you explain my dream .my deceased mother and mother in law enter my backdoor .before the sit. They kiss me on my cheeks .and just tell me they wanne stay with me and they want a room
Hi Carlos,
Dream about kissing dead mother in law is a portent for something that is streaming in at a steady pace. You feel that people are talking about you behind your back. You need to balance all the demands in your daily life. This dream points to your business aspirations and professional goals. You need to explore your emotions and open yourself up to others.
This dream indicates some fear or tension that you are experiencing in your life. You are transforming subconscious energy into conscious awareness. You are venturing into a brand new territory and it is making you slightly anxious and uneasy. Your dream expresses your need for a vacation.
You want recognition for your efforts.
My dream was weird. I was in a walmart the size if a mall I was alone at first until I saw a circle filled with sand (much like the ones at a circus) as I looked in awe at the bizarre cricle I realized it was an arena and then multiple people were fighting in in armed combat. Then a very tall very muscular African American came out and demolished the competition and then he broke down and cried. A woman came to him to console him but he grew angry and beat her down he noticed me and said that it was my fault he hurt her ( the man seemed to have post traumatic stress disorder from being forced to fight) he then started chasing me through the massive walmart and I was running as fast as I could to get away but he was faster. I then changed to running on all fours to gain speed witche worked but he did the same. I was steaming at the top of my lungs for help multiple times as I gaped for air as I ran everyone just stepped aside and didn’t bother with me until one of my best friends actually heard me and came to my aid running on all fours with me as the man now chased both of us. Me and my friend soon split up and I woke up. What does all this mean?
Ive always been a lucid dreamer ive never really had to learn from a young age i experienced strange dreams that stuck in my mind for years but i cannot understand this one im standinv in a room ive never been its bright but not verry i can look into a mirror and im speaking a language ive never heard im mumbleing at first moveing closer to my reflection but then i realise my reflections lips are still i continue to speak louder and louder in the language i dont understand then it hits me something blocks my from dreaming anymore and i wake calm like its all perfectly ok until i think about it and it feels so strange like im supposed to understand can anyone help me ???
I have a reccuring dream where I am in the mountains of Arizona. There are venomous snakes everywhere. I go to look for them. I want to find and see and study and hold them. There is no fear. Quite the opposite. There is a great sense of peace and excitement. Anyone have any thoughts?
My dream was really weird
I was with my parents and daughter in my own home, and an old friend from high school came over. He brought the mail in and it was a strange package filled with marker lids all of the same color. But, it had the wrong address on it. It had a phone number on it, too, but it was not readable. After a few minutes of trying to figure it out, we abandoned the marker caps and went up stairs so that I could show him something else weird I found on my front porch (from a previous dream no less). It was a life size baby elephant statue made of plastic. Teal in color. Very well detailed, too. After talking about it with my friend for a few minutes, the elephant came to life. Slowly. Starting with it’s eyes. Then it’s mouth and trunk. I was astonished by it. But, my friend didn’t seem to notice. He was making his way down a second set of stairs that aren’t actually in my old home. This led to what looked like an underground river filled with not only water, but thousands of rabbits, too. Of all different sizes. Ranging from fully grown to a couple months old. That’s where the dream ended. Where I woke up.
Had a dream and I always seem to be in my old school or a random block of flats I’ve never seen before usually I’m trying to protect myself or someone I love but this time my friend was leading me into this same block but yet there was these dangerous guys all of a sudden I was talking to a guy and instantly I felt safe and happy almost like I was in love when I woke up I couldn’t shake the feeling and I since I haven’t been able to get him out of my head I felt bad because I woke up in bed with my boyfriend please help me understand this somebody I don’t know what to do I almost feel like I want to meet this guy but I know I most probably never will I’m a very spiritual person so I’m kinda freaked out I don’t want to feel guilty like this I’m hoping someone can help me on here to be honest I don’t even know if I’ve come to the right place what should I do I don’t want to start comparing my boyfriend to this made up guy it’s hard for me to open up like this but this is my last attempt at trying to figure this out before I just try to push this to back of mind sort for babbling on people would really appreciate the help
I got dream tht my husband is shaking his penis with his hand and his penis is v fat n black…..ths type of dream before also i got…..
I awake in my dream feeling heavy and carrying a backpack that keeps gaining weight as I try to get to my brother my brother is trying to get back to me he’s crawling threw a puddle of blood and he’s beat up pretty bad I never make it to him and he never fully gets up and makes it to me
I had a dream the other night that’s been bugging me. I was in a really big house that felt familiar and I turned and there was this fall brunette man next to me. He wasn’t old per se (maybe 35-40) but he was so old fashioned and completely in love with me. In my dream I felt like I was in a relationship with him but I just wanted to get away because he was so old minded.
I went to pick up my daughter and her friends from the house down the street and take them to the pool. I was looking for a reason to get away from him and I felt guilty. When I got the girls they were laughing and having tons of fun. We got to the pool and there was blonde lifeguard there who looked 33-35 and I wanted to be with him! The brunette guy showed up and my daughter said “mom no, he’s so old!” And right before my eyes this brunette mans heart broke and he began to age faster and faster until he was an old man and then I woke up.
What on earth does this mean?
I am in a long term relationship in my waking life and neither man resembled my boyfriend.
I had a dream the other night and it doesn’t make much sense, but It feels important. In my dream, I encountered a stranger, and older person and his wife, they were old friends but I didn’t recognize them. They offered me a new puppy, they gave me the puppy and immediately I fell in love with it, and it with me. It was a lab, it was a silvery grey with dark grey spots. And throughout the dream I held it right next to my heart. And I remember feeling the soft, fur on my chest and in my arms. I went to find my mother to excitedly tell her about it. When I had found her she was discontent, and irritated that I had this little puppy. In real life my mom loves dogs. Anyway, I asked her if I could keep it and she immediately became angry, and she insisted that I get rid of it.
I also remember in my dream being very familiar with this puppy, like I had known it for a very long time.
What u dream about voodoo and some try to kill me what is this and they were putting some on me what is that , it was a men then it was a fish???
I had a dream that when i was walking with a person (Man) while walking i was going on finding gold ring with all types of stones. After few steps again gold ring with diamond and further i took steps in found clothes jean of all sizes free. So i pick up the ring and walked. While walking i found a house where i knew the person who died few months before they told me but in reality I knew it also. While walking some cops stoped me and ask me where I was going in this desert and told them i had gone to a house and come back before that all the thinks i collected i hide it in a bush. But my eyes was on it. that was the ending and I got up.
I dreamed that my boyfriend proposed to me! He gave me two rings and the third to complete the set would be the wedding ring. I was so happy (I really do love him – so much) but the more I think about it, the diamonds were missing. Why would I dream of rings with empty settings?
Last night i dreamt of walking in a light sky lit by just the moon. I was minding my own buisness and realize that someone had grabbed my hand. I turned around and noticed it was a friend of mine. She is pretty close with me nothing special but she was holding my hand then a bit later intertwined our fingers. It felt so real what does this mean?
i’ll try to be brief. in my dream it was snowing, my real life neighbor is a witch and she was in it. she was snow blowing paths for our neighbors with a huge rideon machine. a man left an envelope by her car. a man i never saw before that lived with me stole the letter that had $144 in it. i wanted to put the money back when she wasnt home. i saw her drive away, i walked outside and saw henry rollins, a punk rock singer, with a blonde woman walking by my house and i got jealous. (i do like henry in real life). I tried to seduce him from her. he took off his shirt and laid on my lap as i rubbed his chest and kissed him. the blonde took off angry. next thing i heard the witch came home and accused me of stealing money from her mailbox. i said it wasnt me, she didnt believe me turned henry into a gold colored ladybug right in my hands. he was crawling on my hand and i was worried that he would starve. i saw raindrops in my mind and he was telling me that he was thirsty. i read the bug’s mind. i took him into a ballroom where Iron Maiden was scheduled to perform. i sat at a table and moved a name plate marker from that spot. i saw a bottle of water and a red shallow dish. i told henry, the bug to drink the water. then i woke up.
What does it signify to catch 2 white rabbits in a trap, in the dream please?
In dream I saw a Parashute going up and up and vanishing
I had a dream and in the dream I saw my friend wearing blue dress, later she sent me to market to get her some foodstuff. What’s de meaning please..
Hi Edward,
Dream about someone wearing a blue dress is a harbinger for sympathy, protectiveness and fraternal love. You are showing your devotion to your beliefs. There is some important message or advice that you need to take from a colleague. The dream is your bond and closeness to them. You are censoring yourself and watching what you say. Dream about
This dream is a sense of stability in your life. They are up to something. Life is full of ups and downs. The dream is an indication for your goals and your plans on how to achieve them. You are undergoing a period of healing in your life.
Shopping, in general, may represent needs or desires that you are looking to fill. Perhaps you are “shopping around” — considering your available choices in a decision you need to make. Consider the kind of store you are shopping in and if you will find what you need in this store. If not, maybe you are looking in the wrong place for something in waking life.
I had a dream about police arrested me but i was innocent they didn’t said for what they arrested for me and after that they said me to come to a police station for introgation and it was raining I took I was with on of my friend and he knows about my condition and he i was late finding the police station and I was going a to police station after wearing a jacket because it’s raining outside on my way to police station I saw four police men in a single motorbike and he appreciated me for coming throught I would not come and said me to go to the police station and I went searching the police station and I get into a building seems like to be a class for police and I went there asked the lady class teacher they said me to come here for the introgation and the sent on of her students to guide me. To the police station before that I took some i’d proofs from someone handbag to prove I was sent here but they didn’t asked any of them
Type your question here…
Hello, I dreamt about being interviewed for the current job I’m applying for during my second follow-up interview. The first interview went well, but it’s been radio silence for the next round. Anyway, during the dream, I was asked to find ways to get consumers to drink more of the company’s products. I presented some research findings as people who are buying specific furniture, cocktail utensils, and ideas to entertain at home are direct to consumer ideas that will ultimately benefit the company, especially with the new work-life balance Covid has created. I felt positive about it and there were numerous interviewers. What could this mean? Do I have too much anticipation?
Thank you
Hi Vannessa,
When a job interview appears in your dream you are being reminded of the potential that you have in life.
To be successful in the interview signifies that you are being tested in a situation in waking life. To see others being interviewed means a successful outcome is predicted. To be unsuccessful at an audition can signify that you are out of control in a work situation and it is time for big changes in the future. If you have an audition in real life this dream is symbolic in nature, and the meaning should not be interpreted. To see an empty theater signifies difficult situations are predicted in the future. This dream is a wake up call and a warning of what may happen if we don’t relax and we fail to recognize that we need some time to reflect on what is important in life. You may be feeling annoyed at a past failure and this dream calls for burying mistakes and moving on in your life. It is time to let go.